30 May 2023 In Dublin Restaurants

5 Dining Trends in Ireland from 2022 | Early Table

One thing that is certain was that dining was back in a big way this year. It almost felt surreal (dare we even say?) normal. With more bookings comes a clearer picture of the overarching dining trends for 2022, so we looked all over the country and found a few interesting trends. The main takeaway: everyone is making up for the lost few years- going out more and eagerly spending more.

One trend that has gained traction in recent months is the rise the focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility in the dining industry. More and more consumers are demanding that the food they eat is produced in ways that is environmentally friendly and sustainable, and many restaurants have responded by sourcing ingredients locally, using compostable packaging and reducing food waste.  Bah33, a Dublin based restaurant is an example of a restaurant that has thrived by adapting and adopting a more conscious and ethical social responsibility.

Plant- based is here to stay: In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards plant-based diets in Ireland, and 2022 was no different. Vegetarian cuisine was a 80% spike in diners compared to pre-pandemic 2019 (Hospitality Ireland). Many restaurants are now offering a wider range of vegetarian and vegan options. CocoBrew is a perfect example of a Dublin based restaurant that has adapted to the trend.

In terms of restaurant design, we saw that outdoor seating and patio dining is here to stay. With normality returning, many people are still looking for ways to dine out while still maintaining a sense of social distance. Outdoor seating and patio dining offer a more spread-out and open-air setting, which can help people feel more comfortable. Here are some of venues on Early Table that offer outdoor seating and patio dining.  One Society, Eatokoyo Talbot Street, La Pausa Caffe, The Exchequer Ranelagh, Bobos Burger Abbey Street and Chicobo are examples of restaurants who have kept their outdoor seating and patio dining. Some of these restaurants even have amazing Early Bird menus worth checking out.

Street food markets: Street food markets, where vendors serve up a variety of dishes from different cultural cuisines, have become increasingly popular in Ireland in recent years. Some popular street food markets include "The English Market" in Cork and "The People's Market" in Dublin. Street food cuisine in general has gained an increased popularity in 2022. The Street Food Factory, a Dublin based restaurant on Early Table has seen a increased on diners compared to pre-pandemic times.

Virtual dining experiences: With the rise of virtual technology, some restaurants in Ireland are now offering virtual dining experiences where customers can enjoy a meal from the comfort of their own home.

Overall, these trends show that Irish consumers are becoming more interested in sustainability, plant-based options, and health and wellness. They are also willing to try new and diverse types of cuisine, such as street food. As a result, Irish restaurants are evolving to meet these changing consumer preferences, and it will be interesting to see how the industry continues to adapt in the future.

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